Connecticut Land Conservation Conference
March 22, 2025
Frank Center for Public Affairs,
238 Church Street, Wesleyan University, Middletown
Brenda Geer

I’m the Vice-Chairwoman for the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation. This position I have held for 9 years. I have held a position on our Tribal Council for the past 33 years. In this position, I assist the Chairperson, write correspondence, serve as Liaison to several tribal committees, record minutes, attend meetings & events, network, and assist in writing policies & procedures.
I also serve as Chairperson of NAHAC (Native American Heritage Advisory Council), a position I have held for the past 10+ years. This is a state-appointed Agency where all 5 Tribes are represented. We work closely with the CT SHPO office (State Historical Preservation Office) & NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) Office of Archeology at UCONN. We also work with the State’s Archeologist and many other Agencies. We are responsible for ensuring that Native artifacts, Native bones and the like are taken care of in a culturally respectful way. We are tasked with determining which Tribe the above-mentioned belong to and reaching out to the appropriate Tribe to make the necessary arrangements to transfer the artifacts so that Native American ancestors and belongings can be returned to their communities.
In 2014 I was appointed by the Tribal Council to be the Tribes Historical Preservation Officer, a position I still hold today.