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Climate Smart Land Stewardship Grant Program


The overarching goal of the Climate Smart Land Stewardship Grant Program is to increase the number of acres in Connecticut that are managed using climate smart land stewardship practices and encourage the use of climate smart practices among Connecticut’s land trusts.

This grant program, and CLCC's accompanying outreach and technical assistance, will elevate the role of conserved lands in providing natural climate solutions by integrating climate mitigation, resilience, and adaptation into the stewardship of conserved lands throughout the state.

Connecticut’s ~120 land trusts have collectively conserved more than 200,000 acres of land. These lands represent a vital component of the natural climate solutions that are required to combat the climate crisis. Through careful and well-planned stewardship, these protected lands have the potential to provide even greater climate benefits.

Have questions? Want to schedule a site visit?

Applicants must have an initial conversation with the CSLS Coordinator to discuss their project and express intent to apply. Site visits are strongly encouraged prior to submitting your application.

Learn more »

Contact Ricky Bentley for questions or to schedule a site visit at rbentley@ctconservation.org

How is this program funded?

Funding for this grant program was paid for by the Climate Smart Farming: Agriculture and Forestry Grant.

Funding is awarded and administered by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.

2025 Climate Smart Land Stewardship Grants

Find everything you need for your grant application here. This program will award $500,000 over multiple years for both planning and implementation grants.

Technical Assistance & Site Visits

In addition to providing financial assistance, CLCC is available to provide technical assistance to land trusts through site visits, which are strongly encouraged.

Climate Smart Stewardship Resources

Explore a comprehensive list of resources to support your understanding, planning and implementation of climate smart practices.

Climate Smart Land Stewardship Grant Program Info Session

In January 2024, CLCC hosted an informational webinar introducing the Climate Smart program. The session was intended for land trusts and conservation organizations interested in applying for funding to enhance their land stewardship programs by planning and implementing climate-smart practices.

This webinar recording includes:

  • Program Overview: Deep dive into the grant program's objectives, eligibility criteria, and application process.
  • Project Examples: Explore a range of eligible projects – from pollinator pathways to forest management activities.
  • Q&A Session: Experts answered questions and clarified any doubts regarding the application process or project suitability.