Home > Programs > Climate Smart Land Stewardship Grant Program > Technical Assistance & Site Visits

Technical Assistance & Site Visits

In addition to providing financial assistance, CLCC is available to provide technical assistance to land trusts through site visits with our Climate Smart Stewardship Coordinator. These visits can help land trusts conceptualize how climate smart practices can be integrated into their land stewardship programs, and develop ideas for specific projects.

Inviting a site visit prior to drafting a grant application is strongly encouraged.

The Climate Smart Stewardship Coordinator is also available to provide guidance about the grant program, and applicants are encouraged to reach out with questions or concerns.

Contact CLCC's Climate Smart Stewardship Coordinator, Ricky Bentley, to schedule a meeting: rbentley@ctconservation.org

DEEP Service Forestry

Through CT DEEP's Private & Municipal Lands Program, Service Foresters are available to provide technical advice and assistance to woodlot owners throughout the State. Inviting a visit from a Service Forester is an excellent way for land trusts to gain a deeper understanding of their forest's resources.

As project parters on CLCC's Climate Smart Land Stewardship Program, Service Foresters can also work with land trusts to explore how climate smart practices could be applied on a given property.



Have questions? Want to schedule a site visit?

Applicants must have an initial conversation with the CSLS Coordinator to discuss their project and express intent to apply. Site visits are strongly encouraged prior to submitting your application.

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Contact Ricky Bentley for questions or to schedule a site visit at rbentley@ctconservation.org

How is this program funded?

Funding for this grant program was paid for by the Climate Smart Farming: Agriculture and Forestry Grant.

Funding is awarded and administered by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.