Defenders of Wildlife has launched a unique online tool, WALT (Wildlife and Land Trusts), designed to assist land trusts in identifying federal resources for habitat conservation. This tool serves as a comprehensive resource, enabling land trust staff to align their conservation goals with suitable federal programs, and provides necessary contact information for federal staff.
The Land Trust Alliance has made available the Framework and Resources for Change, a tool to help land trusts organize learning and grow critical Diversity, Equity and Inclusion competencies, no matter where they are in their learning journey. Thanks to generous funding of an anonymous foundation and other individual donations, the Alliance hosted a webinar “Making the Most of the DEI Framework & Resources for Change” to introduce this tool and help land trust board members, staff and volunteers get started on their DEI journeys.
The Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIPWG) is committed to understanding and managing invasive species in Connecticut through gathering data, promoting native plant alternatives, and collaborating with experts and the public to protect the state’s ecosystems.
Attacks on voluntary private land conservation are putting critical conservation tools at risk. Join the Land Trust Alliance in setting the record straight on the importance of voluntary private land conservation, protecting private property rights and the various tools, such as conservation easements that are needed to get the job done!
Read more for tips on the Birdability website to ensure your event is communicated clearly to be inclusive and inviting to all.
A 2022 report from Highstead explores how New England’s forests are an important climate solution and explores five pathways to increase forests’ impact.
The Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative has announced the launch of an exciting new interactive mapping tool designed to aid northeastern conservation practitioners and organizations, including regional conservation partnerships and land trusts in advancing conservation.
Learn more about the Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3), as well as access reports regarding climate change in Connecticut.
The Land Trust Alliance provides tips on ways to effectively communicate about climate change with others.
In this document the Alliance articulates the important role that land trusts can play in renewable energy development and offers specific guidance on ways that land trusts can participate in this important issue to support improved conservation outcomes in the context of a changing climate.