Connecticut Land Conservation Conference
March 22, 2025
Frank Center for Public Affairs,
238 Church Street, Wesleyan University, Middletown
B.6 Building a Regional Open Space Inventory
Trying to gather legal and geospatial data on every piece of open space in a jurisdiction can be extremely challenging – but this is exactly what the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments set out to do for our 19-town region. Our Open Space Inventory involves land record research and compiling GIS data to track means of legal protection (deed-restriction, easement), ownership, acreage, usage, and other important details that paint a picture of open space in the region. Close collaboration with municipal staff, land trusts, and water companies helped round out this complex undertaking. Participants will use their phones to respond to real-time polling software, sparking a group discussion about best practices for building and maintaining an open space inventory.
Resources and Handouts

“CLCC’s annual conference is like Woodstock for Connecticut’s land conservation community. It’s an opportunity to foster connections, get inspired, and celebrate our collective accomplishments”
- Pete Govert, Executive Director, East Haddam Land Trust
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