Connecticut Land Conservation Conference
March 22, 2025
Frank Center for Public Affairs,
238 Church Street, Wesleyan University, Middletown
B.7 CT Resilient Road-Stream Crossings: Assessment, Prioritization, and Implementation
Inadequate, undersized, and degraded culverts and bridges block the passage of aquatic and terrestrial species, disrupt natural stream function, and exacerbate the impacts of flooding and erosion. With approximately 25k road-stream crossings in Connecticut comes a critical need to assess and improve existing infrastructure and environmental condition, especially in the face of climate change and extreme storm events. This workshop will provide an overview of steps practitioners are taking across Connecticut to meet this challenge, by 1) assessing culvert condition and barrier to wildlife passage, 2) prioritizing the most in-need crossings, 3) providing training and resources on best practices for implementation, and 4) assessing funding opportunities to match local projects, particularly as we near the end of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding. The Nature Conservancy will host this presentation and welcomes local municipalities, land trusts, NGO’s, and other practitioners to join the conservation on advocating for and advancing road-stream crossings upgrades.
Resources and Handouts

“CLCC’s annual conference is like Woodstock for Connecticut’s land conservation community. It’s an opportunity to foster connections, get inspired, and celebrate our collective accomplishments”
- Pete Govert, Executive Director, East Haddam Land Trust
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