Connecticut Land Conservation Conference
March 22, 2025
Wesleyan University, Middletown
Fundraising Q&A
Got a question about fundraising? Just need a little encouragement? Fundraising expert David Allen will host an unstructured roundtable discussion. Bring your questions, your challenges, and even your stories. Someone wise once said that you only have options in life that you can see. Maybe we can shine a light on helping you see your own challenges in a different way, and maybe options you couldn’t see before will emerge. Either way, it’s sure to be engaging.
David Allen, Principal Consultant, Development for Conservation
Resources and Handouts
“CLCC’s annual conference is like Woodstock for Connecticut’s land conservation community. It’s an opportunity to foster connections, get inspired, and celebrate our collective accomplishments”
- Pete Govert, Executive Director, East Haddam Land Trust
Previous Conferences
Interested in reading about past conferences? Check out past years' conference wrap-ups…