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CT Land Trust Risk Management Initiative

The Land Trust Alliance and CLCC collaborated to bring risk management support to your land trust, through the Connecticut Land Trust Risk Management Initiative.

Session One – Introduction to Risk Management: In this first session, participants learned what risk is and how you can embrace risk management as a discipline to protect your land trust’s assets. We also covered the tools that are available to help you assess and balance risk.

Session Two – Governance and Finance: The goal of this session was to help participants understand the governance and finance related risks to nonprofit organizations that are committed to protecting land in perpetuity. This included considerations of your board, employees, and volunteers, as well as your reputation and budgetary needs.

Session Three – Land Transactions: This session provided a better understanding of the risks related to project selection, transactions, recording, and recordkeeping. There was an emphasis on ensuring sound transactions, including legal review, title work, budgets, environmental review, and more.

Session Four – Stewardship and Programs: Participants learned about stewardship related risks (including monitoring, baseline documentation, management plans and dealing with possible problems) as well as those related to programming, volunteers, and communications.

Session Five – Practicing Risk Assessment: In this last session, participants were introduced to risk assessment, including how to form an assessment team and the tools and resources available to help your organization assess risk and formulate a plan to address risks.