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CLCC’s 2025 Conservation Priorities

Every year, the Connecticut Land Conservation Council sets a Conservation Agenda identifying key legislative policy and funding priorities critical to land conservation at every level.

The 2025 Connecticut General Assembly convenes on January 8 and is adjourned on June 4.

Below are CLCC’s top recommendations on State priorities for 2025; you can also download a one-page summary (PDF).


Looking Back

Community garden with a sign on the left and a brown fence in the front
Christopher Shepard

The 2024 legislative session, which ended on May 8, brought major disappointments and quiet victories, reminding us of the ongoing challenges and the importance of persistence in advocacy. Here are some reflections:

From requests for testimony to more recent and relentless calls to action, you, your land trust, and others in communities across the state responded with remarkable dedication and support. Thank you!

wood's floor
David Young

In 2023, strategic advocacy together with an unwavering commitment by legislative champions, a strong partnership with the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, and targeted outreach by land trusts to key legislators, were the ingredients to a successful legislative session for CLCC’s top land conservation priorities, including the following wins...

pathway into the trees during the summer
Katharine Lange

The 2022 Legislative Session may have been a “short session”, but there was no shortage of action, and ultimately good news for natural and working lands.

Click below to read more about what we accomplished together.

CLCC Leafbulb

Yes, Your Land Trust Can Lobby!

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Clcc Land Trust Lobby

Yes, Your Land Trust Can Lobby!

If your land trust has a stake in enhancing funding opportunities and increasing tax incentives for land conservation, investing in nature-based climate solutions, connecting communities to locally grown food, and ensuring equitable access to greenspaces, you should lobby!

Your land trust (and any 501(c)(3) nonprofit), whether operating statewide or in a single town, staffed or all-volunteer, can lobby your municipal council, the state government, and even Congress, if you follow some relatively simple rules

CLCC Legislative Primer Cover

CT Conservation Primer

Areas of Focus

We organize our advocacy work and programming around these areas:

Strengthen Connecticut Land Conservation

There are many challenges in land conservation, but we have never yielded. We’ve always found our strength in the support of people who care for the environment as much we do. We can achieve so much more working with one another than alone.

We're stronger together.