Funding Programs

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Bringing Conservation Funding to Connecticut

It’s the one thing CLCC hears most frequently from land trusts - “we need more funding”. It’s no surprise, since Connecticut’s public conservation funding, per capita, is the lowest of any state in New England.

That's why CLCC is launching a new initiative - the Land Capital Grants Program (LCG) - to enable land trusts to acquire land and conservation easements faster.  Along with our Climate Smart Land Stewardship Program, Connecticut Conservation Partnership Program (CCPP), and Transaction Assistance Grant Program (TAG) – land trusts have access to significant sources of funding that will help them to pursue and complete more projects.


~ NEW ~ Land Capital Grants ~ NEW ~ 

The Land Capital Grant Program (LCG) accelerates the protection of conservation lands by providing financial support to eligible Connecticut land trusts for the acquisition of land and conservation easements. Applications are accepted by invitation only.

Climate Smart Land Stewardship Grants

The Climate Smart Land Stewardship Grant Program provides direct funding assistance to support Connecticut's land trusts with the planning and implementation of climate smart practices. This grant program offers direct support and technical assistance to land trusts across the state to integrate climate mitigation, resilience, and adaptation focused projects on their conserved lands.

Connecticut Conservation Partnership Program

Administered by the Connecticut Land Conservation Council, the Connecticut Conservation Partnership Program (CCPP) establishes a coordinated process by which land trust applicants to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection's Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Grant Program may apply for a federal grant as a source of match funds.

Transaction Assistance Grants

The Transaction Assistance Grant Program (TAG) seeks to accelerate the pace of land conservation by providing financial assistance to land trusts for transaction-related project costs. TAG responds to immediate conservation needs and is designed to get funding on the ground efficiently and effectively.

Other Grant Opportunities

Is your land trust looking for a grant to fund a conservation or stewardship project? Or perhaps you'd like to start a new program to engage your community? Find potential funding sources for all of your land trust's work on our Grant Opportunities page. If you know of a grant fund we should share on our website, let us know!