Home > News > Blog > Jovan Bryan > Building Connections: Strengthening Our Community Together


golden finch on a purple coneflower

Hello Friends,

As summer draws to a close, I’m filled with gratitude reflecting on an inspiring and productive season of community engagement. I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with incredible individuals and organizations across the region, each connection fostering meaningful initiatives that benefit our shared mission.

Over the past few months, we’ve hosted numerous meetings—both public and private—bringing community members together with land trusts to explore new opportunities for collaboration. These partnerships have sparked fresh ideas, leading to exciting projects that I’m eager to see unfold. One of our recent gatherings in Waterbury, in collaboration with the Steep Rock Association, introduced local community groups to one another and to land trust representatives, opening doors to future partnerships.

With festival season upon us, I’m looking forward to continuing these conversations and engaging even more deeply with community members in their own home environments.

As Fall Migration approaches, I’m excited to share that we’ll be hosting more birding events! If you’re in the Greater Waterbury area, please join us for a free birding event at Steep Rock’s Macricostas Preserve on September 14th. It’s a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the season, meet new people, and connect with nature. Please spread the word within your communities! Register Here

Grow Together Bird And Hike Flyer 09 14