CLCC Advocates for Land Protection and Stewardship (ALPS): An Overview of Lobbying and the Legislative Process
January 17 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The CLCC ALPS Program aims to enlist the assistance of one or more representatives (a board member, staff person, etc.) of each Connecticut land trust to serve as CLCC’s point of contact (aka the “ALPS Captain”) during the legislative session. The role of the ALPS Captain is to ensure that CLCC’s calls to action and other policy updates are disseminated to your land trust’s membership and others in your community who may be interested.
With the 2025 legislative session underway, we want to engage as many land trust members as possible in advocating for land conservation, especially in addressing evolving environmental challenges.
The ALPS Program will include monthly policy update meetings for ALPS Captains and others from their land trusts who may be interested with CLCC’s Executive director, Amy Blaymore Paterson and other advocates. This month, our first ALPS meeting of the year will provide an overview of lobbying and the legislative process.
Who should attend?
ALPS Captains and others from your land trust are most welcome to join us.
For more information about the ALPS program, please contact Colin Piteo, CLCC Sandy Breslin Conservation Fellow.