Invasive Control Workshop for Stewardship Volunteers
January 11 | 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
Program Description
North Branford Land Trust in collaboration with the South Central Regional Land Conservation Alliance, and CLCC are hosting an in depth workshop that will look at a successful invasive species control project at Harrison Farm Preserve.
The goal of this project was to remove and kill dense woody shrubs that are growing below a forested mixed-hardwood canopy, and ultimately plant native species. The project involves treating 18 acres of a 22-acre land-trust property that has an extensive network of trails. The property also has wildlife brush piles, a community blueberry garden, a volunteer-constructed parking area, a footbridge constructed from cedar trees gathered on site, and a recently constructed stone stairway (led by CFPA’s Rock Stars).
Demonstrations will include:
- the use of a walk-behind DR Mower
- a skid-steer mounted forestry mower
- safe chain saw use
- the use a 4wd farm tractor for moving larger trees and logs (firewood, specialty small logs)
Discussions will include several of the project’s dedicated volunteers, what they did, and why they were happy to put so much time into the project.
This workshop is intended primarily for land trusts in the South Central CT reigon but is open to other interested parties. It is an opportunity to network, learn practical techniques, and draw inspiration for your own land management projects. Whether you’re a seasoned land manaagement professional or a passionate volunteer, this event will equip you with actionable insights and strategies to take back to your organization.
Program Details
Date & Time: Saturday, January 11th, 10:00am to 1:30pm
Location: This event will be hosted by the North Branford Land Trust at the Harrison Farm Preserve, 95 North St , North Branford, CT, 06471.
Parking: Please park near the end of North St (off Rt. 80) You will see a sign on a driveway on the right side of North St pointing to Harrison Farm Preserve. Walk up the driveway following the signs to HFP.
Registration: Due to the format of this event, advanced registration is required. Please follow this link to register.
Cost: This program is free for participants from land trusts in the South Central CT Region land trust members.
Details: Please wear sturdy hiking or work boots, warm layers, and bring any snacks & water you will need for a morning outside.
Food: A pizza lunch will be provided after the event.
For questions, please contact Mike Ferruci with North Branford Land Trust