Northwest Regional Roundtable – Single Town Land Trusts
September 22, 2022 | 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
After too much time spent apart, the Connecticut Land Conservation Council is thrilled to be rekindling our Regional Roundtables with a program for single town land trusts in Northwest CT. Co-hosted by CLCC and Aton Forest, this gathering will provide land trusts of similar size and capacity with the opportunity to connect and network. We also make time for important conversations about opportunities and challenges on the horizon, and explore the potential for partnership and collaboration.
CLCC and the Aton Forest welcome representatives from the following land trusts to join this program:
- Barkhamsted Land Trust
- Colebrook Land Conservancy
- Cornwall Conservation Trust
- Goshen Land Trust
- Hartland Land Trust
- New Hartford Land Trust
- Norfolk Land Trust
- Winchester Land Trust
>> Click Here to Register <<
Please note that there is limited cell service around the Aton Forest, so you may wish to download or print directions ahead of time. The entrance on North Colebrook Rd. can be easy to miss if you drive too fast.
Following the regional roundtable, we will join the Litchfield Hills Greenprint Collaborative for their quarterly meeting at Norbrook Farm Brewery at 3pm, followed by a Green Drinks happy hour.