South Central Regional Conservation Partnership Relaunch
May 10, 2023 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join us for the relaunch of the South Central Regional Land Conservation Alliance, a regional conservation partnership (RCP) with the mission of protecting and conserving open space in south central Connecticut by collaborating across boundaries to foster a stronger connection between people and nature.
This event is open to partners within SCRLCA, which includes land trusts and watershed associations located within the Regional Water Authority’s (RWA) service area and/or the South Central Regional Council of Governments’ (SCRCOG) service area.
Attendees will have a unique opportunity to take a behind-the-scenes tour of the Lake Whitney Water Treatment Plant located across from the Whitney Dam. The tour will be followed by discussions with representatives from the Connecticut Land Conservation Council and Regional Water Authority about funding opportunities and policy updates from the current legislative session. We’ll also continue to gather input about how to make this RCP effective and useful to the conservation organizations in this region. Light refreshments will be provided.
Please contact Aaron Lefland for more information about this program.