Home > News > Blog > Jovan Bryan > From Trails to Tales: A Look Back at Our Recent Bird and Hike Day


Group of birders looking through binoculars in the woods

Hello Friends,

On Saturday, Sept 14th we held a Bird and Hike for Waterbury residents to go birding 45 minutes away exploring the natural beauty of Steep Rock Macricostas Preserve. It was a gorgeous sunny day bringing together residents of Waterbury for a morning of guided birding and outdoor adventure. We were thrilled to see people take advantage of the day and were graced with perfect weather and clear skies. 

Some participants expressed great appreciation for providing transportation, highlighting the importance of removing barriers to access through our program. This is one of the pillars of Bird and Hike with CT Land Trusts. As we host more and more of these hikes, we learn just what issues to lean into, creating a sturdy foundation for further engagement.

A more subtle purpose of these programs is to establish relationships more intentionally. At CLCC, we are committed to learning about the social landscape of Connecticut as well as the ecological one. The residents of Waterbury and surrounding communities therein are just one of several around the state we are continuing to establish meaningful and lasting connections and deepening land trust impact. 

I hope to see more efforts such as ours spread and provide greater opportunities for those we wish to serve in our communities. 

We are always planning more bird-hike events for the future. Stay tuned for updates and join us on our next adventure!