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CT Department of Agriculture

Farmland Restoration Flood Response Grant

Max $20,000

The Connecticut Department of Agriculture is offering the Farmland Restoration Flood Response Grant (FRFRG) to provide matching funds to Connecticut farmers, nonprofits, and municipalities impacted by excessive rainfall and flooding in July 2023.

Funds will enable projects with one of the following predetermined scopes of work:

Project Scope of Work #1: Repairs, Replacement, and Reinstallation

  • Fencing
  • Well heads
  • ]Irrigation pumps and pipes

Project Scope of Work #2: Site Reconstruction

  • Drainage
  • Riparian buffers
  • Grading and shaping of farmland topography
  • Diversions and waterways
  • Culverts and stream banks
  • Farm roads

Project Scope of Work #3: Soil Amendments

  • Purchase and application of soil amendments to adjust soil pH, or other justified reasons including topsoil, compost, manure, and seed for cover crop.

The following entities are eligible to apply for the Farmland Restoration Flood Response Grant Program:

  1. Agricultural producers, who are owners of an existing agribusiness within the State of Connecticut with at least one year of production experience who experienced flooding or damage to crops, infrastructure, and site due to excessive rainfall in July.
  2. Not for profits owning or leasing farmland, in use by a farmer, who experienced flooding or damage to crops, infrastructure, and site due to excessive rainfall in July.
  3. Municipalities leasing farmland, currently in use by a farmer, who experienced flooding or excessive rainfall in July. The lease must be no less than five years in duration, with a five-year option to renew in the terms.
    A maximum award of $20,000 can be provided.  A match of cash or in-kind services is required.

Applications are due on August 21, 2023.  Additional information can be found at www.CTGrown.gov/Grants