Conservation Careers & Job Opportunities
Wild and Scenic Program Coordinator and Grants Manager – Housatonic Valley Association
The Housatonic River Commission (HRC) and the Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) seek an enthusiastic and qualified professional with experience in grant administration, partnership building and
community engagement to support our work to protect the Housatonic River and its watershed.
This full time position has two main components: Housatonic Wild and Scenic River Program Coordinator, coordinating the work of HRC related to their management of the stretch of the Housatonic River from the Massachusetts border to Boardman Bridge in New Milford (a recently designated national Wild and Scenic River); and HVA Conservation Grant Manager managing grants (and related projects as time permits) that support HVA’s conservation and community outreach work including watershed-wide conservation campaigns: Clean, Cold and Connected – aimed at restoring and protecting waterways from the Berkshire Hills to Long Island Sound, and Follow the Forest – aimed at conserving a linked forest corridor from the Hudson Highlands through the Housatonic Watershed to Canada. Housed at HVA (with full benefits) in Cornwall Bridge, CT.