Find a Land Trust
Staff: All-Volunteer
Members: 110
Total Number of Holdings: N/A
Total Acres Conserved: 112
Acres Conserved Under Easement: 18
Acres Owned: 94
Number of Easements: 3
Number of Parcels Owned: 14
Year Incorporated: 1987
The Chester Land Trust is a volunteer non-profit organization established in 1987 for the purpose of protecting the unique natural resources of Chester. Our community is fortunate to have a diverse environment of freshwater streams, protected forests, the Connecticut river, wetlands and wildlife habitat. These wonderful spaces need to be protected and enhanced for your enjoyment, and for future generations. Currently the Land Trust owns approximately 94 acres of land, and has monitoring duties for an additional 18 acres of protected conservation easement land. There is more land to be protected to keep our unique town resources from disappearing.