
Aaron Lefland
Deputy Director
Aaron Lefland joined the Connecticut Land Conservation Council in May of 2022 as the organization’s first Deputy Director. In this role, he supports CLCC in delivering technical assistance to build land trust capacity and sustainability, oversees CLCC’s climate-smart grant programs, and advises on other program areas. He also serves on Connecticut’s Forest Stewardship Committee (an advisory Committee to the State’s Forest Stewardship Program), and the steering committee for the CT Master Woodland Manager program.
Aaron is passionate about building strong, enduring land trusts that support the needs of their communities. He was a co-recipient of the 2023 Linda B. Krause Award for Excellence in Conservation Collaboration from CT RC&D for building partnerships with community foundations, land trusts, nonprofits, and housing groups to explore opportunities for sustainable and affordable housing in Connecticut.
Prior to joining CLCC, Aaron spent five years as the Executive Director of the New Canaan Land Trust. There, he led the organization to many milestones including becoming nationally accredited, ushering in a new strategic plan and first-ever strategic conservation plan, and more than doubling household membership. His previous work experience includes managing a community forestry program and conducting ecological research examining long-term forest dynamics (related publication HERE).
Aaron holds a Master of Forest Science from the Yale School of the Environment, where his coursework and research focused on the sustainable management of New England’s forests (related publication HERE). He also holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Environmental Studies from Brandeis University.
In his free time, Aaron can be found hiking, rock climbing, skiing, swimming, gardening, foraging, or otherwise enjoying the great outdoors.