
In this lunch and learn webinar, Denise Savageau, Chair, CT Council on Soil and Water Conservation; Alicea Charamut, Executive Director Rivers Alliance of Connecticut; and Amy Blaymore Paterson, Esq., Executive Director, Connecticut Land Conservation Council presented on how the restoration and maintenance of natural habitats can help resolve the current biodiversity crisis, mitigate climate change, and contribute to a sustainable and resilient future. Audubon Connecticut’s Director of Policy, Robert LaFrance, moderated this panel of speakers.
Throughout the webinar, attendees learned about the critical role that healthy soils and water systems play in supporting biodiversity and mitigating the impacts of climate change. They also discussed how land conservation efforts can help protect and restore these essential natural resources.
The panelists emphasized the importance of taking a holistic approach to conservation by considering factors such as soil health, water quality, and wildlife habitat when making land management decisions. They highlighted various success stories where collaborative efforts between different organizations led to significant improvements in ecosystem health.
One key theme that emerged was the need for increased public awareness and education regarding the value of conserving natural habitats. By educating communities about the benefits of protecting our soils and water systems, we can encourage more people to get involved in conservation efforts.