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One of my biggest takeaways from this incredibly challenging year has been a renewed sense of daily gratitude for some of the fundamental things in my life.

Good health. It goes without saying that 2020 has been a stark reminder of how quickly things can change when it comes to our health and well-being.

Nature, of course. The joy and energy I derive from my trail runs and time spent outdoors with my four-legged companions took on a whole new meaning this year.

Clarity. Bringing a new lens to land conservation, this year underscored the harsh reality that access to healthy green spaces is not equitable, disproportionately impacting communities of color and low income families.

Family and friends. This is a tough one. I miss connecting in-person. Seeing smiles (without a mask.) Giving and getting hugs (even handshakes!)


Which leads me to…

Technology. Thanks to FaceTime, I’ve enjoyed daily visits with my kids and savored every second of experiencing my first grandchild’s remarkable growth.

Work. With no roadmap to follow, the CLCC staff and Board rose up to meet each and every challenge of working remotely and doing whatever was needed to seamlessly deliver programs and services to support your critical land conservation work.

You. I am profoundly grateful to have the opportunity to work alongside people, like you, all across the state—who love the land, understand the importance of connecting with nature and each other, and are committed to ensuring that the benefits of land conservation are available to all—now and always.

Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy, and happy Thanksgiving.

With gratitude,
Amy Blaymore Paterson
Executive Director
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P.S. On #GivingTuesday (Dec. 1) please consider giving a special gift to your local land trust to thank them for all they do.
