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Collage of photos from the February issue of #LoveYourCTLandTrust

Connecticut land trusts hit the New Year running — closing deals that honor family wishes, create enduring legacies, explore history, and offer an opportunity to strengthen bonds between people and the land. These success stories are happening all over the state, driven by the passion and dedication of local volunteers.

Inspired by this community spirit, CLCC is calling for volunteers to join us at the 2023 Connecticut Land Conservation Conference scheduled for March 25 at Wesleyan University. From taking photographs and assisting with registration, to helping people get to where they need to go, we welcome — and need — your support and participation.

Interested? Please contact me anytime. You’ll get lunch, a tee-shirt, and most importantly, the awesome feeling of being part of something really special!

Whether you participate as a volunteer, a presenter, or attendee, the conference is a statewide opportunity to #LoveYourCTLandTrust
