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Ashley Wilkins

Students smiling outside

Ashley Wilkins

Marvelwood School/Kent Land Trust

Ashley Wilkins is a four-year senior at the Marvelwood School and has been a Kent Land Trust (KLT) intern for four years. She has worked with Ms. Doss during the weekly Avian Ambassadors community service program and throughout the summer helping to document and band birds utilizing land trust and private property..  Her goal is to take her love of science and become a marine biologist working in veterinary studies with marine mammals. Ashley has been a part of the Envirothon team at Marvelwood for all four years she has attended the school. In 2021, she was a part of the winning Envirothon team for the state. She was given an amazing opportunity during the summer of 2023 when she got to work with the president of the Purple Martin Conservation Association, Joe Siegrist,  on a grant project to put GPS and Motus tags on Purple Martins.
