Resource Library

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Lobbying 101
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Can My Land Trust Lobby?
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Select List of CT Conservation, Land Use, and Environmental Laws
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Municipal Tax Abatement Policy Examples
Valuing Properties with Conservation Easements – 2017 Yale Report

In 2017, CLCC requested assistance from graduate students in the Yale Forestry and Environmental Studies (FES) Strategies for Land Conservation course to better understand whether CT municipal assessors are routinely taking into account the impact of a conservation easement (CE) when determining a property’s valuation.

Municipal Tax Assessments
Potential Tax Advantages of Conserving Property
Conservation Terms
CT Conservation Primer

Handy when meeting with elected officials and other decision makers, CLCC’s CT Conservation Primer is a one-page handout, packed with Connecticut-specific land conservation information including: up-to-date stats on the state’s progress in meeting its conservation goals, a glossary of commonly used words and phrases, descriptions of priority land conservation funding programs, and citations to relevant sections of the Connecticut General Statutes.

The primer is available in:

English >>

Spanish >>

Advocacy Toolkit

Becoming an advocate is one of the most important steps you can take toward protecting Connecticut’s lands and waters for future generations. The Connecticut Land Conservation Council has put together a number of additional tools to help guide your advocacy work, keep you informed on the issues, and bolster support for land conservation statewide. They include step-by-step directions to help you reach out to your legislators in Hartford, as well as your local community.

Politics: What’s Allowed
2020 Testimony

CLCC annually contributes testimony and comments related to land conservation laws, policies, programs, and funding, as well as other priorities central to the health and wellbeing of Connecticut’s communities, environment, economy, and quality of life.