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New England’s Climate Imperative: Our Forests as a Natural Climate Solution: A Highstead Report

A 2022 report from Highstead explores how New England’s forests are an important climate solution and explores five pathways to increase forests’ impact.

Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative Mapping Tool

The Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative has announced the launch of an exciting new interactive mapping tool designed to aid northeastern conservation practitioners and organizations, including regional conservation partnerships and land trusts in advancing conservation.

State of Connecticut Directory of Certified Forest Practitioners
Inverted Board Meeting Structure

Shared by Sharon Danosky, this alternative way of structuring board meetings allows you to focus discussion on “big picture” items, and connect the discussions in your meeting back to your mission and strategic objectives. Also included are ideas for creating a consent agenda to more efficiently move through items that may require approval, but do not require discussion.

CLCC and CT Farmland Trust hosted an online introduction to the FarmLink program, and how FarmLink can help match your land trust to a farmer who is interested in stewarding your agricultural lands. Topics discussed land and community benefits of leasing farmland, land trust considerations before leasing, and funding opportunities for your land trust.

Leasing Land to Farmers: A Handbook for New England Land Trusts, Municipalities and Institutions – Land for Good

This handbook was produced for New England by the Non-farming Landowner Task Force of the Land Access Project.

CLCC’s Land Trust Board Member Boot Camp is a five-part series that covers the essential roles, functions, and responsibilities of land trust board members. Originally produced in 2021, the content remains relevant and useful for those who are new to land trusts or board service, or for those in need of a refresher.

The Land Trust Alliance and CLCC collaborated to bring risk management support to your land trust, through the Connecticut Land Trust Risk Management Initiative.

This resource illustrates the importance of crafting donor-centered content that aligns with the values and motivations of your audience. It highlights strategies to evoke emotion and establish meaningful connections with donors through your communication. Land trusts can use this guide to enhance their appeals, newsletters, and other outreach materials, ensuring messages resonate deeply and inspire action.

Learn more about the Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3), as well as access reports regarding climate change in Connecticut.

How to Talk About Climate Change – Land Trust Alliance & Open Space Institute

The Land Trust Alliance and the Open Space Institute created this document to guide land trusts as they discuss climate change issues in their local communities.

Reshaping the Energy Future: Renewables and Land Trusts – Land Trust Alliance

In this document the Alliance articulates the important role that land trusts can play in renewable energy development and offers specific guidance on ways that land trusts can participate in this important issue to support improved conservation outcomes in the context of a changing climate.