
At the CTLCV Environmental Summit opener on January 19, Governor Lamont and CT DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes reminded us of the importance of open space to all communities in CT.
As Governor Lamont said, open spaces enhance our quality of life—allowing us to stay healthy physically and mentally—benefits that have been underscored by the pandemic and the public’s need for access to the outdoors.
Commissioner Dykes emphasized the essential role that land conservation plays in addressing the impacts of climate change. Forests and trees, wetlands, soils, and other natural resources absorb greenhouse gases, filter air pollutants, and reduce flooding—among a myriad of public health and ecosystem benefits.
There has never been a more important time to invest in land conservation.
We were heartened to hear Commissioner Dykes call out the use of conveyance fees to invest in green and gray infrastructure projects—one of several funding mechanisms included as recommendations in the Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3) Phase I Report.
With a sense of urgency, CLCC looks forward to continuing our work with the GC3, Governor Lamont, and the administration on implementation of these recommendations in the upcoming year.
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P.S. Contact me anytime to learn more about the “municipal funding option” to fund land conservation and address climate change at the local level.