June’s #LoveYourCTLandTrust eNews showcases stories that should brighten up the already sunny summer days.
The generous land donation by Governor Ned Lamont and his wife Annie Lamont embodies their commitment to conservation and confidence in local land trusts as stewards of natural lands in perpetuity. The Black Birders Week event fostered unity and appreciation for nature. The new plaque at Constance Baker Motley Preserve honors the profound struggle for equality. Lastly, we commend the Southington Land Conservation Trust on its 50th anniversary.
#LoveYourCTLandTrust for preserving our natural heritage, promoting diversity, and forging ahead in our collective journey to safeguard Connecticut’s precious lands and habitats.
Read the June issue of #LoveYourCTLandTrust »
Photo Credits
Lamont Preserve courtesy of Julie Stuart, Bridgewater Land Trust
Little Rock Nine Sign courtesy of Patrik Norrby
Black Birders Week Outing courtesy of CLCC
50th Anniversary courtesy of Marc LaComb
P.S. Please keep those #LoveYourCTLandTrust stories and photos coming. Drop them here and we’ll take it from there!