Throughout the past month, I have been reminded that, irrespective of where we call home, we all yearn for the same fundamental things for ourselves and future generations. Clean water and air, a stable climate, affordable housing, fresh local food, along with equitable access to outdoor spaces for recreation and relaxation are universal desires. Equally, we know the importance of abundant and connected natural places where wildlife thrives.
At CLCC, we understand that all of these necessities are interconnected and dependent on the preservation and thoughtful stewardship of our land, and that land trusts play a critical role as community partners in all facets of this work.
For this monthly eNews, I am delighted to highlight three of the exceptional events in which CLCC participated that reinforce the utmost importance of land conservation. Each of these gatherings demonstrated in a different way how land serves as a unifier of people, places, and ideas, underscoring a shared vision for a healthy and sustainable future.
As the executive director of CLCC, I take great pride and carry an immense sense of responsibility in elevating the voice of land conservation and emphasizing its significance when addressing community needs. Whether it is through financial and technical support, opportunities for learning and networking, or advocating at every level, CLCC is there for you and your land trust to ensure that land conservation is a priority in Connecticut.
As I complete my 13th year at the helm of CLCC, I am immensely grateful for your unwavering support and dedication on this journey to make a profound impact in communities everywhere.