Home > News > Blog > Amy Blaymore Paterson > Connecticut’s Increasing GHG Emissions Call for Urgent Legislative Action: The Role of Nature-Based Solutions in Climate Strategy


Great blue heron in the water with a lot of lily pads

Have you seen DEEP’s latest Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory? The findings show Connecticut’s GHG emissions are increasing, and further reductions are essential to meeting the state’s statutory medium—and long-term goals.

However, amidst this sobering news, the report provides room for optimism:
For the first time, the inventory acknowledges the carbon sequestration potential of natural and working lands (NWLs) and their value as an essential component of the state’s climate change strategy. (Pages 12-13, 18)

The inventory is timely, underscoring the urgent need to pass crucial bills that seek to address the climate crisis, including the following proposals that include provisions to strengthen nature-based solutions (trees, forests, wetlands, riparian buffers, healthy organic soils, and other natural ecosystems) in state policy:

  • HB 5004: This omnibus bill, as proposed, establishes a comprehensive approach to addressing climate change, including urgent action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency, enhancing climate resilience, and integrating nature-based solutions across Connecticut.
  • SB 11: Designed to enhance climate preparedness and response, the Governor’s bill includes nature-based solutions and prioritizes environmental justice, with implementation funding from ARPA. It also aims to improve access to the Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition and Urban Green and Community Garden Grant Programs.

With just over one week left in the legislative session, we implore you to join us in advocating for these bills by contacting your legislators and asking for their support. Their decisions now will have a profound impact on our environment, public health, and economy, and we cannot afford to wait.

It’s time for our state laws to formally recognize the power of land conservation and other nature-based solutions in addressing climate change, protecting biodiversity, and ensuring these and other benefits are available for future generations.

Read the full April monthly eNews »

Photo Credit: Bill Arnold

Amy Blaymore Paterson
Executive Director
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P.S. If you already sent a message to your legislators, thank you! If not, please view CLCC’s HB 5004 action alert and Audubon CT’s SB 11 call to action for important links and talking points, and please watch for regular action updates.
