
Just days left to pass bills with nature-based solutions
With just days left in the legislative session, we need your immediate assistance in passing two crucial climate action bills strengthening nature-based solutions (trees, forests, wetlands, riparian buffers, healthy organic soils, and other natural ecosystems) in state policy:
HB 5004, CT’s Climate Protection Act — Thanks to your strong advocacy, this landmark bill passed the House last week. Now, it’s in the hands of the Senate.
SB 11, The Governor’s Bill on Climate Preparedness and Response, strengthens nature-based solutions, prioritizes environmental justice, and improves access to open space and community garden funding. Action has yet to be taken on this bill.
Both bills are awaiting a vote by the Senate!
TODAY! Ask your State Senator to Say YES to HB 5004 and SB 11
Please cc your State Representative and bcc me on your message.
Sample Message
(Your own words are best!)
Subject line: Please speak up for nature! Vote YES for HB 5004 and SB 11
Dear Senator ___________________,
As a resident of _________________, I am writing to ask you to vote YES on the following climate action bills:
HB 5004, AAC Implementation of Certain Climate Change Measures, establishes a comprehensive approach to addressing climate change, including integrating nature-based solutions (trees, forests, wetlands, riparian buffers, healthy organic soils, and other natural ecosystems) across Connecticut.
SB 11, AAC Connecticut Resiliency Planning And Providing Municipal Options For Climate Resilience, provides for climate preparedness and response, prioritizes nature-based solutions and environmental justice, and enhances equitable access to DEEP’s Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition and Urban Green and Community Garden programs.
As our Senator, we are counting on you to support clean water and air, forests and parks, thriving wildlife, a stable climate, access to the outdoors, and more—benefits of nature that transcend political boundaries, enhance the quality of life, and build solid economies for all of us and future generations.
I urge you to speak up for nature! Please VOTE YES when HB 5004 and SB 11 come before you.
Thank you for your attention.
[Your Name], [Organization, if applicable], Municipality
Keep up your advocacy! It’s making a difference for nature!
If you have already sent a message to your legislators about these bills, thank you! Please send it again! If you have not, there’s no time to lose.
The legislative session ends on May 8. Your immediate action to ask your legislators for their support of HB 5004 and SB 11 is crucial to passing these bills.
Thank you for your continued advocacy and commitment to land conservation.
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P.S. It’s crunch time! Please share this message and encourage your land trust members and others in your community to speak up for trees, forests, and other nature-based solutions and ask their legislators to support HB 5004 and SB 11. If you have any questions about this action alert, including finding contact info for your legislators, please contact me anytime.