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Connecticut State Capitol

Your Testimony is Needed by Thursday (3/7) at 3pm

We urge you to participate in the upcoming Environment Committee public hearing (Friday, March 8 at 11am) on HB 5004, An Act Concerning the Implementation of Certain Climate Change Measures.

This omnibus bill proposes a comprehensive approach to addressing climate change, including urgent action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency, enhancing climate resilience, and integrating nature-based solutions across Connecticut.

CLCC is especially supportive of Section 22 of the bill, which requires the development of strategies utilizing nature-based climate solutions.

Section 22 recognizes the value of nature-based solutions (trees, forests, wetlands, riparian buffers, healthy organic soils, and other natural ecosystems), which is a big step forward in the state’s efforts to address the interrelated crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Please Support HB 5004 and Speak up for Nature

Submit Written Testimony (Below is sample testimony to personalize)

Attend the Public Hearing in person or by Zoom

  • Register by 3pm on 3/7 to present testimony in person or by Zoom
  • Or come to Room 2B of the Legislative Office Building to show your support (View the full public hearing agenda)

Sample Testimony
(Your own words are best!)

Honorable Members of the Environment Committee,

As a concerned resident of _________________, deeply invested in the well-being of our community and environment, I am writing to express my strong support for HB 5004, An Act Concerning the Implementation of Certain Climate Change Measures.

Climate change poses an existential threat to our planet, and urgent action is needed to mitigate its impacts. We are also experiencing a biodiversity crisis of unprecedented magnitude.

[Please use this space to provide examples of how you, your community, and the environment have been impacted by climate change and biodiversity loss.]

I especially support Section 22 of the bill, which elevates the importance of nature-based solutions, including land conservation, riparian buffers, healthy soils, and wetlands. By requiring the use of nature-based solutions, this section presents a critical opportunity to address the interrelated crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.

HB 5004 is essential for safeguarding our environment, public health, and economy for future generations. I urge the committee to support the bill in its entirety.

Thank you for your attention.


[Your Name], [Organization, if applicable], Municipality

Thanks for taking action!

Speaking up to support HB 5004 is crucial in advancing policies that will protect our environment and communities for generations to come. Thank you for your commitment to land conservation and a sustainable future.

Amy Blaymore Paterson
Executive Director
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P.S. Spread the word! Please share this message and encourage your land trust members and others in your community to speak up for nature and support HB 5004. If you have any questions about this action alert, please contact me anytime.
